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RUN #1

Sat 22 to Tue 25 February 2025

RUN #2

Sat 1 to Tue 4 March 2025


105 spots available each run.
We have detached the sleeping areas from the playing groups.


Castillo de Santiago
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz (Spain). The closest international airport is Seville (1.30h by bus).


Hotel Posada del Palacio 3* and Hotel los Helechos 3*
5-15 mins walk to the location and sleeping off-game in a room of 2-4 people. 
We might also arrange other hotels of 1-3 stars depending on the final number of players.


From lunch on Saturday to breakfast on Tuesday
Vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, and other options available. Served in location.


All tickets offer the same experience of play and are not bound to a specific group.



  • Until the 23 June at 21 CEST you can sign up for very reduced tickets: for Spanish larpers under 35 yo and larpers from any country and age that are unemployed or students. We will make a lottery at that time.
  • It is not possible to sleep in the location, so sleeping will be off-game.
  • Sleeping in a one-star or three-star hotel room for 3-4 people, 15 minutes walk to the location. 
  • All meals included from Saturday lunch to Tuesday breakfast, all served in the location. Vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, and other options available.


  • It is not possible to sleep in the location, so sleeping will be off-game.
  • Sleeping in a one-star or three-star hotel room for 3-4 people, 15 minutes walk to the location. 
  • All meals included from Saturday lunch to Tuesday breakfast, all served in the location. Vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, and other options available.


  • It is not possible to sleep in the location, so sleeping will be off-game.
  • Sleeping in a one-star or three-star hotel room for 3-4 people, 15 minutes walk to the location. 
  • All meals included from Saturday lunch to Tuesday breakfast, all served in the location. Vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, and other options available.

3 reduced tickets available if we make one run; there may be more depending on the final number of runs and donations to the reduced ticket program.

You can donate to the reduced ticket program during signup. For logistical reasons, the donation cannot be reimbursed if you drop out.

Sign up process & payments

Sign up open

Until the 23 June at 21 CEST you can ask for very reduced tickets: for Spanish larpers under 35 yo and larpers from any country and age that are unemployed or students.
We will make a lottery.

You can also sign up for the waiting list of the game in a regular or reduced ticket.

The tickets are not bound to a specific group. The casting (and assignment to groups) will happen in October, when you will receive your character blurb.

By the beginning of December, you’ll receive your full character sheet.


  • First payment: 48 hours after receiving your confirmation, 125€+ your donation to the reduced ticket fund (if you are making any).
  • Second payment by 5th Jun 24: 80€ (reduced ticket), 145€ (regular ticket).
  • Third payment by 5th Jul 24: 80€ (reduced ticket), 145€ (regular ticket).
  • Fourth payment by 5th Sep 24: 75€ (reduced ticket), 145€ (regular ticket).

If you need to make your payment in more installments or change the payments dates, please contact us:


In the unfortunate event that you need to cancel your attendance to the event, our cancellation and resell policy is as follows: Players are not allowed to directly resell their tickets. You need to inform us and we will reach out to players on the waiting list. But if you want to sell your addon to another player, we can talk about it.

The larp signup fee (125€) is non-refundable.

4 months before the larp, the refundable part of the ticket will be 50% of the total.

If you cancel your participation two months or less before the larp starts, there will be no refunds.

The organizers reserve the right to refuse a participant the right to participate in the larp without giving any reason. In such a case, the full fee will be returned to the participant. The organizers also reserve the right to refuse a participant to continue the larp if said participant makes the larp an unsafe place. In such a case, no refund will be given.

Casting and Character sheets

Casting questionnaire:

After you have secured your ticket for our larp, we will send you a confirmation email. In this email, you will find a link to a casting questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to help us better understand your preferences and the type of experience you are seeking.

Casting and character Blurb:

Around October, we will end the casting process, and you will receive an email with your character blurb. This is a concise description of your character.

Full Character Sheet:

We will send you your character sheet by the beginning of December. This sheet will contain detailed information about your character, including their background, relationships, and any additional game mechanics relevant to your role. The full character sheet will enable you to fully immerse yourself in the larp world and make strategic decisions during gameplay.

Preparation and Familiarization:

Once you receive your character sheet, take the time to thoroughly read and understand all aspects of your character. Familiarize yourself with the larp rules and any specific guidelines provided. This will help you prepare for the immersive experience and ensure that you can fully embody your character during the event.

Other considerations


We won’t serve alcohol in-game, but we will sell it at the afterparty at our bar. We will have an in-game bar where you can buy sodas, energy drinks, and coffee or tea.

Water is always free at the game.


We will arrange a charter “larp bus” for those coming by train or airplane; it will depart from Seville (the international airport closest to the location) on Saturday at 9:00 and return to Seville on Tuesday around 11.

If you prefer to fly to Madrid instead of Seville, a high-speed train takes 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach Seville.


There will be a website that will enhance the robot-human interaction and the interaction between the different company departments. It will always be used as an addition and with the sole purpose of helping us tell the story.

All players will need a smartphone, able to run Discord.

Aleph characters will also need a tablet. If you don’t own one, please ask us.

To play the game, you’ll need mobile internet access; if you need a sim card, you could buy one from us.

The larp experience will be improved with the technology, but it is not based on technology.


All characters will need a period-appropriate costume. The clothes should match the visual style but need not be historically correct.

Most characters from Aleph will need to wear the official Aleph uniform and will bring a smartphone with headphones and a tablet. We will provide Aleph’s uniform.

Hosts will need a smartphone with headphones.


The location is an old castle and there are some playing areas that are only accessible with stairs. Unfortunately, it is not wheelchair accessible.
If you want to ask us about your specific case, please send us an email to


The castle will be closed to tourists. We have exclusive use of the location.

The game’s location is in the Santiago Castle, Cádiz (Spain), which was built by the House of Medina Sidonia between 1477 and 1478. 

From its construction until 1645, the castle served as a ducal fortress, where illustrious visitors such as Isabella the Catholic, Christopher Columbus, Magellan, and Juan Sebastian Elcano landed on their voyages from Seville. It was also home to the «Casa de la Contratación», established by the Catholic Monarchs to control the ships, their cargoes, and passages to and from the New World.